export const topics = [
"A day in the life of ",
"A specific memory",
"A place that is special to you",
"A person who has influenced you",
"A significant event in your life",
"A hobby or interest you have",
"A fear or worry you have",
"A relationship you have",
"A lesson you have learned",
"A hope or dream you have",
"A time when you felt alone",
"A time when you felt proud",
"A time when you were disappointed",
"A time when you were happy",
"A time when you were sad",
"A time when you were angry",
"A time when you were excited",
"A time when you were nervous",
"A place you have been",
"A person you have met",
"A food you love",
"A color that is significant to you",
"An object that is special to you",
"A sound that you love",
"A smell that reminds you of something",
"A feeling you often have",
"A memory you wish you could forget",
"A memory you wish you could remember",
"A worry you have",
"A dream you have",
"An ambition you have",
"A fear you have",
"A place you would like to visit",
"A person you would like to meet",
"A thing you are afraid of",
"An experience you would like to have",
"A change you would like to see in the world",
"A change you would like to see in yourself",
"Something you are thankful for",
"Something you are proud of",
"Something that brings you happiness",
"Something that brings you sadness",
"Something that brings you anger",
"Something that brings you fear",
"Something that brings you hope",
"A memory that makes you laugh",
"A memory that makes you cry",
"A memory that you cherish",
"A memory that you wish you could forget",
"A memory that still haunts you",
"A memory that makes you feel happy",
"A memory that makes you feel sad",
"A memory that makes you feel angry",
"A memory that makes you feel scared",
"A memory that makes you feel excited",
"A memory that makes you feel nervous",
"A secret you have",
"A lie you have told",
"The truth you have hidden",
"A person you have lied to",
"A person you have kept a secret from",
"A person you have been honest with",
"Something you have stolen",
"Something you have borrowed and not returned",
"Something you have lost",
"Something you have found",
"Something you have given",
"Something you have taken",
"A decision you have made",
"A choice you have regretted",
"A risk you have taken",
"A dare you have accepted",
"A dare you have refused",
"A challenge you have faced",
"An obstacle you have",
"A goal you have set",
"A dream you have had",
"A nightmare you have had",
"A plan you have made",
"A hope you have",
"A wish you have",
"A loss you have experienced",
"A heartbreak you have suffered",
"A victory you have celebrated",
"An achievement you have accomplished",
"Something you have struggled with",
"Something you have triumphed over",
"A battle you have fought",
"A war you have waged",
"A journey you have taken",
"A destination you have reached",
"A goal you have achieved",
"A dream you have realized",
"A change you have seen",
"An event you have witnessed",
"Something you have learned",
"A lesson you have taught",
"A knowledge you have shared",
"A wisdom you have imparted",
"A gift you have given",
// 1. Childhood memories
// 2. A particular color
// 3. Falling asleep
// 4. Birthdays
// 5. The stars
// 6. The moon
// 7. A sunset or sunrise
// 8. A flower
// 9. A baby
// 10. Love
// 11. Nature
// 12. A pet
// 13. A special place
// 14. A rainbow
// 15. Childhood fears
// 16. High school memories
// 17. College memories
// 18. A hobby
// 19. An embarrassing moment
// 20. A special person in your life
// 21. A proud moment
// 22. A time you felt sad
// 23. A time you felt happy
// 24. A meaningful song
// 25. A sunset or sunrise
// 26. A place you've never been
// 27. Your favorite season
// 28. Your favorite shape
// 29. Your favorite food
// 30. Your favorite animal
// 31. Your favorite person
// 32. Your favorite thing to do
// 33. What you want to be when you grow up
// 34. What your life will be like in 10 years
// 35. What your life was like 10 years ago
// 36. How you feel about getting older
// 37. How you feel about change
// 38. How you feel about love
// 39.How you feel about loss
// 40. How you feel about nature
// 41. How you feel about technology
// 42. How you feel about art
// 43. How you feel about your hometown
// 44. How you feel about your family
// 45. How you feel about your friends
// 46. How you feel about school
// 47. How you feel about your future
// 48. What makes you laugh
// 49. What makes you cry
// 50. What makes you angry
// 51. What makes you happy
// 52. What makes you excited
// 53. What makes you afraid
// 54. What makes you feel alive
// 55. What makes you feel at peace
// 56. What makes you feel happy
// 57. What makes you feel loved
// 58. What makes you feel supported
// 59. What makes you feel appreciated
// 60. What makes you feel proud
// 61. What makes you feel guilty
// 62. What makes you feelSad
// 63. What makes you feel frustrated
// 64. What makes you feel powerless
// 65. What makes you feel confident
// 66. What makes you feel beautiful
// 67. What makes you feel valuable
// 68. What makes you feel wanted
// 69. What makes you feel worthy
// 70. What makes you feel like you belong
// 71. What makes you feel connected
// 72. What makes you feel disconnected
// 73. What makes you feel seen
// 74. What makes you feel unseen
// 75. What makes you feel safe
// 76. What makes you feel unsafe
// 77. What makes you feel like home
// 78. What makes you feel like a stranger
// 79. What makes you feel welcome
// 80. What makes you feel unwelcome
// 81. What makes you feel loved
// 82. What makes you feel unloved
// 83. What makes you feel worthy
// 84. What makes you feel unworthy
// 85. What makes you feel accepted
// 86. What makes you feel rejected
// 87. What makes you feel like you matter
// 88. What makes you feel like you don't matter
// 89. What makes you feel like you're enough
// 90. What makes you feel like you're not enough
// 91. What makes you feel comfortable
// 92. What makes you feel uncomfortable
// 93. What makes you feel confident
// 94. What makes you feel insecure
// 95. What makes you feel happy
// 96. What makes you feel unhappy
// 97. What makes you feel joy
// 98. What makes you feel pain
// 99. What makes you feel like you're in control
// 100. What makes you feel like you're not in control